Combat Zone

Master Accessories List

ACCESSORY PTS Class PropertiesDescription
Advanced Robot Control Unit 15 Vehicle Allows control of a robot up to a range of 60cm
Ammo Feed Link 3 All Allows one weapon to ignore out-of-ammo results
Communicator 2 Infantry Man portable communicator
Demolition charge 100 Infantry One Use, Area of Effect 6cm RadiusRange 0, Pen 15, 2 actions to set, 1 action to set from a distance up to 30cm
Exo-Skeleton 0 Infantry Individual Armour, PF 5Fully enclosing, self powered combat armour
Front Armour 5 Vehicle Adds 2 to the PF of the vehicle if hit from the front. Cannot be equipped more than once per vehicle
Full Life Support 4 Infantry Sealed, self contained life support. Isolates wearer from outside atmosphere.
Hard A-Suit 0 Infantry Individual Armour, PF 3Composite multi-layer ballistic polymer suit - Full body
Hard A-Vest 0 Infantry Individual Armour, PF 2Composite multi-layer ballistic polymer vest - Torso only
Light A-Vest 0 Infantry Individual Armour, PF 1Ballistic fibre vest - Torso only
Long Range Comm-Link 10 Vehicle For communicating with stations off the battlefield or anywhere on the battlefield
Partial Life Support 2 Infantry Face covering atmosphere filtering unit
Portable Long Range Comm-Link 10 Infantry For communicating with stations off the battlefield or anywhere on the battlefield
Remote Detonator 5 Infantry Long distance detonator for demolition charges (60cm range)
Robot Control Unit 5 Infantry Man portable robot control unit (range 30cm)
Slicer 8 Robot Area of Effect 3cm RadiusFast spinning mono filament (Pen 2). Usable only in close combat.
Smoke Screen 10 Vehicle Blocks LOS for 1 turn in front of the vehicle (see Smoke Screen rules)
Tank Buster 10 Infantry One Use, Area of Effect 3cm RadiusMagnetic charge specifically designed to be attached to vehicles (range 0, Pen 10)
Weapon Stealth Unit 2 Infantry Allows one pistol or rifle to fired while hidden

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