Combat Zone

Master Weapons List

Last updated 15/10/2006

WEAPON PTS Class PenPropertiesDescription
Assault Bombard 90 Very Heavy 10Reduced Range, Area of Effect 3cm RadiusA large calibre gun used to pound static defences
Assault Shotgun 8 Assault 2Solid pellet high caliber shotgun designed to efficiently neutralize close targets
Automatic Pistol 2 Pistol 0Standard caliber mechanic feedback pistol
Close Combat Accessory 1 Close Combat 0Generic combat blade added to weapons for melee combat
Combat Pistol 3 Pistol 1High impact active shell mechanical feedback pistol
Combat Rifle 6 Rifle 1High impact active shell mechanical feedback rifle
Compact Rifle 8 Assault 0Automatic Fire
Fast Cannon 32 Heavy 3Automatic FireHeavy duty active shell machine gun
Fast Gun 16 Rifle 2Automatic FireLight duty active shell machine gun
Fire and Forget Missile - Anti Armour 60 Very Heavy 10One Use, Area of Effect 3cm RadiusSingle shot armour piercing missile
Fire and Forget Missile - Cleanse 120 Very Heavy 6One Use, Area of Effect 9cm RadiusSingle shot missile designed to secure a vast area
Fire and Forget Missile - Fragmentation 60 Very Heavy 6One Use, Area of Effect 6cm RadiusSingle shot missile designed to neutralize soft targets
Fire and Forget Missile - Man Portable 32 Heavy 7One Use, Area of Effect 3cm RadiusSingle shot active shell missile designed
Flamer 18 Rifle 0Flame, Area of Effect 3cm RadiusIncendiary gas or liquid spraying gun
Gauss Destroyers 60 Very Heavy 6Automatic FireHeavy duty dual stage mini rocket guns
Grenade - Buster 6 Grenade 3Area of Effect 3cm RadiusAnti armour grenade
Grenade - Fragmentation 8 Grenade 1Area of Effect 6cm RadiusGrenade designed to take out soft targets
Grenade - Napalm 14 Grenade 1Flame, One Use, Sticky, Area of Effect 3cm RadiusIncendiary grenade which uses napalm gel
Knife 1 Close Combat 0Long combat knife for close assaults
Laser Cannon 24 Heavy 5Coherent light high energy gun
Laser Pistol 2 Pistol 0Coherent light high energy pistol
Laser Rifle 4 Rifle 0Coherent light high energy rifle
Laser Sniper Rifle 13 Sniping 0Targeting Bonus +1Coherent light high energy sniper rifle
Light Cannon 24 Heavy 5High calibre active shell gun
Missile Launcher - AP 64 Heavy 7Area of Effect 3cm RadiusMissile launcher equipped with armour piercing shells
Missile Launcher - Fragmentation 64 Heavy 3Area of Effect 6cm RadiusMissile launcher equipped with anti personnel shells
Missile Launcher - Napalm 126 Heavy 3Flame, Needs Reloading, Sticky, Area of Effect 6cm RadiusMissile launcher equipped incendiary napalm gel shells
Powered Combat Fist 2 Close Combat 2Servo assisted robotic gauntlet designed for close combat
Shotgun 4 Assault 0Large caliber shotgun equipped with scatter shells
Single Shot Infantry Grenade 8 Rifle 2One Use, Area of Effect 3cm RadiusSelf propelled grenade designed to be fired from a rifle
Sniper Rifle 12 Sniping 1Active shell mechanical action sniper rifle
Support Barrage 120 Very Heavy 6One Use, Off Table Support, Area of Effect 6cm RadiusA salvo fired from low orbiting support ships
Turbo Laser Cannon 60 Very Heavy 6Automatic FireHeavy duty coherent light high energy guns

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