Combat Zone

REA Slave Robots

Last updated 13/10/2006

The Rightful Earth Alliance has a developed industry of combat robots. Remtec Laboratories - Robotics Division produces some of the most advanced slave and autonomous systems in the explored space. Robotic systems are preferred in high risk areas and are commonly employed in support roles.

Each slave is controlled by a dedicated controller. A robot control unit (RCU) )immerses the human pilot in a virtual reality constructed from the combined inputs of the host's sensor. The more advanced control beds, usually fitted inside MeRoCCs, also cut out all sensations from the real world. 

The control cores of advanced robots actively adapt to the command patterns of the controller, so that the two develop a bond. Such is the strength of this conditioning that most experienced human controllers develop a particular attachment to their robots, considering them extensions of their bodies, not just mere equipment. This disorder causes the human to feel more alive when controlling the robot than outside of the control berths and withdrawal crisis are not uncommon if the controller is kept away from their RCU too long.

Given enough time a robot control core become so attuned to the command patterns of a particular controller that it cannot operate efficiently with another pilot. This is why both controllers and robots are always paired for as long as possible and the safety of the controller and the retrieval of the robot control cores are considered high priorities.


MeRoCC – Mechanized Robot Control Centre

A heavy vehicle fitted with all the necessary equipment to carry and control up to three combat robots. The standard MeRoCC is eight wheeled and armoured, and is capable of carrying the crew in a fully sealed and life supported environment. The crew normally consists in the robot controllers plus a pilot and an officer. Larger versions are capable of carrying the robots as well as the crew and include a small workshop for routine maintenance and basic repairs.

Although the MeRoCC designated role is to offer close support to infantry or other units, the vehicle itself is vulnerable to attack and has no defensive weaponry. Smaller versions of the MeRoCC have been created to carry and control two and even only one robot. Tracked and flying versions have also made the appearance on the battlefield.

"It may look like a pile of junk to you corporal, I call it home.”
MeRoCC C.O. Brequit

The safety of a MeRoCC and its crew is considered a priority on the battlefield, as experienced crews are difficult to replace.

Weasel Class Robot

Two-legged robot with a rectangular head and two arms usually mounting fast cannons. It is designed for infantry support and scouting roles. It can take out small vehicles but will not stand against heavy armour. Some variants are equipped with smart fire-and-forget missiles or a chain weapon and flamer combination for close assault roles.

Pitbull Class Robot

The Pitbull class robot is the latest model delivered by the Robotics division of Remtec Laboratories. It's main body is headless and spherical, elongated at the back where the legs attach. Four jointed weapon sponsons sprout from the torso mounting LEPA cannons and fast cannons. An optional fire and forget missile is sometimes fitted on the back mount. It is a flexible tactical robot designed for hunting, side-attacks and a variety of other roles. Due to its appearance it is commonly nick-named "pit-ball".

Mauler Class Robot

A true heavy weight, this four legged centaur mounts a pair of gauss destroyers capable of obliterating a light tank. It is used in support and armour busting roles where heavy resistance is expected. The leg conformation is spider like, just like the mobile gun platforms used by the infantry.

Mauler-7562 ceased firing. There was no return fire, the hostile was not there anymore.

Robotic Gun Platforms

Robotic gun platform is a generic name for a whole class of robots whose sole purpose is to carry and fire a variety of weapons on the battlefield. RGPs are always remotely controlled by specialized personnel which may accompany the robot or command it from a safe distance. There is no standardized shape and the locomotion systems also varies. Contrary to the more advanced and flexible robots, RGPs are generally considered to be nothing more than mobile guns.

RGPs are not to be confused with Mobile Gun Platforms, spider-like one man vehicles manned by a human trooper.


Refer to the REA army list.

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