Combat Zone

Weapon Files

Last updated 15/10/2006

Mauler-7562 approached the charred craters left by the super-heated shells of its gauss-destroyers. A crystalline blanket crowning some of the cavities was a testimony to the inferno generated by the weapon. Slowly, through the wind, a twisted shape came into view. It was or rather, had been, a light tank. The hull was bloated and deformed, some shells had just exploded on the outer framework, but some had opened a breach to the inside. A clean hole on the flank was evidence that one shell had penetrated and exploded directly inside, exposing the crew to a terrifying but mercifully quick death.


Acid Sprayers - Acid sprayers shoot a cloud of corrosive liquid or dust, capable of burning away through flesh and metal. They are dangerous weapons both for the user and the target, for atmospheric conditions can modify the direction of the spray.
Assault Bombards – Considered by many as primitive weapons, assault bombards are wide bore guns used to pound static defences. Their shells are so large and heavy that they cannot fire at the same range as more modern cannons, nevertheless they pack enough punch to literally obliterate any but the most resilient installation. Assault Bombards are normally mounted on specialized vehicles which carry them within effective shooting range.
Assault Shotguns – Assault shotguns are heavy caliber personal weapons designed to neutralize targets at close quarters. They can be equipped with a variety of shells but, to guarantee the result, they are normally fed monotype slugs, solid projectlies capaable to neutralizing soft targets and put a hole through most lightly armoured vehicles.
Automatic Pistol – This is a mechanical or gas feedback handgun, firing caseless rounds. Automatic pistols are common issue to police forces and officers in regular armies. Automatic pistols use explosive or magnetic technology to accellerate the shell, or a combination of both.
Close Combat Accessory – a variety of blades and other combat accessories can be fitted to most military grade weapons. These blades are used in charges and close assaults.
CoRa (Coil Rail) Pistols and Rifles – CoRa weapons  are military grade guns which fire high impact active tip shells using magnetic accelaration technology. The shells have a ring charge behind the tip which detonates on the target driving the tip forward with even greater force. They are issued as standard only to specialized military forces and are outlawed on most civilized colonies. They are never allowed as side arm for security personnel aboard space ships for they risk puncturing the thinner sections of the hull. Due to the high maintenance and usage costs, only elite forces are normally equipped with CoRa weapons.
Opus CP-36 CoRa Pistol
Compact Rifle - the compact rifle is a short barrel rapid fire automatic gun. It is a common weapon with assault troops, where its reliability and rate of fire can prove decisive in neutralizing targets at close range.
Fast Cannons and Fast Guns - Fast guns are gauss weapons that fire small self propelled rockets. The ammunition is magnetically accelerated out of the barrel where an electrical spark sets off the propellent contained in the shell which starts accellerating even faster towards the target. This allows a high rate of fire with little recoil and reduced heat build-up. Like CoRa guns, the shells of fast guns have explosive tips for maximized armour penetration and impact damage.
Fire and Forget Missiles - fire and forget missiles are single shot rocket weapons generally mounted on vehicles, although man portable versions do exist. A guidance system locks on the target before launching the rocket, which is then capable of steering autonomously towards the target. The rocket head can be fitted with a variety of explosives to neutralize different types of targets.
Flamers (or Flame Throwers) - Flamers try to engulf the target in an incendiary agent, which can be gaseous or liquid. The flamable agent is set ablaze at the muzzle creating a jet of fire. Although ammunition capacity is often limited, this is offset by the psychological impact of the weapon on hostile troops. Flamers can be used in oxygen-poor atmospheres since the incendiary agent normally incorporates the necessary oxygen supply.
Gauss Destroyers – Gauss destroyers are long barrelled guns which use gauss technology to fire explosive shells in rapid succession. The shells incorporate a twin chamber of chemicals which react on impact producing a violent thermo-chemical reaction. This raises the temperature by over a thousand degrees in a fraction of a second, softening the target for the next shell. The shells themselves have standard armour penetration casings, but the heat generated on impact, combined with the high rate of fire and kinetic force, make the weapon very effective against most targets. The barrage is capable of shaking armoured vehicles, confusing sensors and unsettling human crews. Gauss Destroyers have become very popular for the armies that can afford their astronomical maintenance and usage cost.

Keep your pea-shooters, subtlety is not my currency.”
R.C. Alek

Grenades - Explosive grenades are used by most military forces in known space. Deadly in confined spaces, they can be lobbed over obstacles or through small apertures without the need to take precise aim. A variety of technologies are used in their manifacture to achieve a multitude of effects.
Laser Weapons - A variety of guns use electrical or chemical laser technology which fires a coherent beam of light towards the target. Since the shot travels at the speed of light and is unaffected by wind, aiming is easier. The effectiveness of laser weapons is affected by fog, smoke and dense atmosphere. Space vessels and static installations employ specialized defensive laser arrays to target incoming projectiles. The semiconductor technology needed to concentrate the limited power supply of these weapons into the laser beam with minimal heat dissipation needs zero gravity production plants. Thus laser guns are normally manufactured off-world.
The MC-IV Lasergun by Multicentrum
LEPA (Live Element Piercing Ammunition) Cannons - LEPA Cannons are a common type of gun firing armour piercing shells. LERA Cannons are easy to maintain and reliable, which still makes them a common choice for many vehicles and robots despite its relatively low technology level.
Missile Launcher - Missile launchers are portable or vehicle mounted firing platforms for self propelled rockets. The rockets can incorporate guidance systems or rely on the shooter's aim. They have high operation costs but can be fitted with a variety of warheads which gives them great tactical flexibility.
Powered Combat Weapons - This category includes a variety of servo assisted weapons usually fitted to the soldier's arm. The most common type is the Powered Combat Fist, a huge metal gauntlet whose strength is multiplied by hydraulics or synthetic muscles incorporated in its casing. Powered Combat Weapons are heavy and need a stable platform to operate,  thus they are normally fitted only to exo-skeletons.
Shotguns – Common on many backward frontier colonies, shotguns are large caliber weapons designed to neutralize targets at close range. Typically they fire a load of metal pellets and have are smooth-bored. The low kinetic force of the shot and the wide area covered by the spread of the pellets make them useful defensive weapons.
Single Shot Infantry Grenade - This is a special type of grenade designed to be fired by a tailor made launcher attached to a rifle. The firing mechanism can be explosive, gas operated or utilize magnetic technology. Some are self-propelled.
Support Barrage - In open war conditions, battlefield troops are often supported by orbiting warcrafts or field artillery which can fire a salvo of deadly fire on the enemy. For barrages to be effective, a spotter on the battlefield needs to indicate the precise coordinates of the target, since no direct aiming is possible.
Turbo Laser Cannons - Where power consumption is not a problem, laser technology can produce devastating effects. Turbo Laser Cannons can only be fitted on vehicles, spacecrafts or fixed installations where a powerful enough generator can provide the necessary energy for this power-hungry weapon.


Refer to the weapon listing.

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